Monday, May 09, 2011

A Beautiful Day for Camden

On Saturday, May 7th in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Camden, New Jersey, James Henry King IV was ordained to the Catholic priesthood. Jamie, as James is called by family and friends, has waited a long time for the ceremony when Bishop Galante would lay his hands on his head invoking the power of the Holy Spirit on him. Bishop Galante, as  true shepherd and spiritual father, explained the duties that the young man was undertaking. He also emphasized the  power of prayer when he told Father King, "Don't be afraid to let the people see you praying." I was getting teary eyed at the Bishop's genuine warmth and affection.
Jamie's mother and step Dad brought up a chalice and hosts to be offered during the Mass. His father's gold wedding band forms part of the base of the large gold chalice. In a way his father was present through the ring which remains visible especially to anyone who holds the chalice.
The music was well done and incorporated some Spanish too. The new priest has already spent time serving people in Latin America. 
I met a Sister who gave Jamie his first catechism lessons. She certainly got him off to a good start! Although he did not attend Catholic school until his entrance into St. Charles Seminary in Philadelphia, the Sisters in his parish gave him a solid  religious upbringing.
"To sing is to pray twice," said St. Augustine. Father King is gifted with a great singing voice, as well as with the talent to play many instruments. May he continue to praise God doubly in his priestly ministry.
The clip above is a shot of the ordination ceremony. Since my digital camera needs repair, I await pictures from my friends Father Bob Stolinski of Buffalo, and Sister Marilyn who came all the way from Phoenix. When they send me their photos I will share them with you. On Saturday during the ordination and at the   festivities later, there was a joy on everyone's faces. We all shared in the happiness that God's Church now has one more priest totally dedicated to God and to the service of his people. Please be patient with the video. The batteries were running very low. To be contnued....

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