Greetings from Toronto, Ontario! Summer is winding done fast. In Toronto folks are visiting the Canadian National Exhibition. It seems to be a combination of what Americans would consider the county fair and the Cirque du Soliel all at once.
In my home area, people are flocking to the annual Canfield Fair which features livestock, baked goods, 4-H exhibits with all kinds of animals, cotton candy, live entertainment, carnival rides, and lots more. The Fair serves as the "official end of summer" ritual.
Now, as the school year begins, is the time for us to recall all the uplifting ideas we (Sisters) heard during our annual retreat. Someone asked how often do I go to our retreat house, St. Thecla's. Usually I go once a year for a week-long retreat, and then an almost week-long meeting held at St. Thecla Retreat house in Billerica, Massachusetts. In case you wonder who is St. Thecla (pronounced Tek-la), according to a long standing tradition St. Thecla was the first woman convert of St. Paul and his constant collaborator.
Generally the retreat house is reserved for the Daughters of St. Paul, Pauline Family members and select groups. The best way to request a tour of the retreat house or arrange to use it is to call the Provincialate of the Daughters of St. Paul at 617-522-8911. When I was there in July, the chapel was partially rennovated, with a new altar and backdrop, as well as new pews. The original chapel was built by the Maryknoll Fathers and brothers after World War II.
On August 20th, the Pauline Family celebrated its 94th birthday. Back in 1914, then Father James Alberione, with just two young boys, began what is today the religious order called the Society of St. Paul. By June of the following year, Alberione had begun the first feminine Pauline group, the Daughters of St. Paul who share an identical apostolate (or mission) with the Society of St. Paul. Eventually Alberione's foundations numbered 10: The Society of St. Paul consisting of priests and religious brothers; the Daughters of St. Paul; the Sister Disciples of the Divine Master; the Sisters of Jesus the Good Shepherd, known as the Pastorelle; the Sisters of Mary Queen of Apostles or Apostoline; the Institute of Jesus the Priests for diocesan priests; The Institute of St. Gabriel the Archangel for single men living a consecrated life in the world; for single women living in the world, the Institute of Our Lady of the Annunciation; for married individuals or couples (as well as the widowed) there is the Holy Family Institute; and the Pauline Cooperators are lay collaborators in the Pauline mission. Check out to see more information on the Pauline Family. We in Toronto marked a 52 year presence in this Archdiocese and English-speaking Canada on August 23.
Father Jeffry Micker, SSP, assigned to Canfield, Ohio, has expanded the Pauline Family presence in cyberspace with a new video website called"
Check this site for Pauline Family information, videos and events. With Father Jeffry as webmaster, this site will provide wholesome videos. It is true that other video websites may hold a lot of good things, but to find a good site it entails slogging through spiritually "unhealthy" websites, and some that leave much to be desired....
If you are interested in finding out more about the Daughters of St. Paul in the USA and English-Speaking Canada, check out
For information on the Society of St. Paul and the secular institutes, contact
Last Monday a friend brought me to Mass at the Church of Sts. Peter and Paul in Missisauga, Ontario. The artist who depicted St. Paul did a fine job of making him look real, amiable and holy. The artist's last name is Carroll(I believe.) I do not want to infringe on any copyright laws by posting the picture(s). However, I think people who love St. Paul would appreciate seeing a St. Paul who is more approachable and likeable! Have a great Labor Day weekend, and a wonderful beginning of your new shcool or work year. God bless you!
Here is a thought to ponder from St. Paul: "Be imitators of God as beloved children. Walk in love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us to God...". (Eph. 5:1-2)
The picture of St. Paul preaching is by Carroll, in Sts. Peter & Paul Church, Mississauga, ON, Canada.