Thanks for coming back to my blog, even though I have not posted any news since early October!
On November 15, I was privileged to lead a mini-retreat for ladies of the Catholic Women's League at a Toronto parish. My theme was Praying with St. Paul. As I prepared myself to model how to pray with St. Paul, I found a talk of Pope Benedict XVI given just a few days earlier. The Pope took a very short pray of Paul, one used often by the first Christians: Marana tha,Come Lord Jesus! Pope Benedict composed a prayer with the same words, asking Jesus to come to the refugee camps of Darfur, of Kivu (and other places where people are in dire need); come to where drugs reign; come to the rich who have forgotten their brothers and sisters in need.... This Holy Father certainly is in touch with the needs of the world, and of our need to grow in prayer.
From November 17 to 20th, we Pauline Sisters in Toronto hosted one of the Fathers of the Society of St. Paul, our brothers in the Lord: Father Jeffrey Mickler. Fr. Jeffrey gave talks on St. Paul to two area gatherings of priests of the Toronto Archdiocese; he spoke in our St. Paul Hall to a good group of laity and religious; he was interviewed on Radio Maria; on Salt and Light Catholic Television; and he had a final interview for a program on Radio Teopoli which airs on a regular AM station. Father Jeffrey recently returned from a month long stay in Australia where he was kept busy giving Retreats and talks to Pauline religious, priests and laity. I invite you to check out Father Jeffrey's videos on YouTube and on the site which Father has initiated:
May you have a blessed Advent--a time to prepare not only for Christmas, but for Jesus' coming. Jesus comes in many ways. May our attentiveness to his presence reflect the advice of today's Gospel reading from Mark: be watchful and ready.
This week is a full one for myself and the other Sisters and the Staff of our Pauline Books & Media center. On Monday two of us will attend a meeting of a newly formed group of Catholic professionals in the media. On Tuesday I hope to have the last installment of a root canal. I have a meeting with someone on Wednesday evening. On Thursday and Friday our center is open until 7:00 PM, so I will be engaged in working in the center. On Saturday we will host our Annual Happy Birthday Jesus Party. Usually about 300 children come along with parents, grandparents and other relatives. There will be pictures taken with "Baby Jeus" (costumes provided); cake and refreshments; visits from St. Nicholas; crafts; balloons and a gift for each child. Pray that we enjoy good weather.
God bless you!
Sister Mary Peter