After Easter I was adjusting to my new assignment. I wrote some things for our website. Some of the writings will appear as audio/visuals. They have yet to be posted. I pray that they may help all who in this joyful Easter season still grieve for the pain that the whole church is going through.
Dedham is a small community next to Boston. Its small "downtown" is surrounded by quaint, lovely homes and narrow old streets dotted with flowers and trees. Since I was asked to drive someone to Dedham this afternoon, I took my camera and snapped some of the flowers. I hope you enjoy them too.
Even though this is a time of sorrow when we feel for those who are suffering because of hurts they received from clergy or other members of the church, there is still hope. As I frequently refer to Romans 8:28, I draw hope from St. Paul's words: "For those who love God, all things work together for the good." Just as the seeds that fall into the earth undergo a sort of death, so the church is undergoing a painful time. However I pray that this suffering will give way to a new springtime of clarity, respect and deep love for one another in our church. May compassion for victims of crimes of abuse, and any other crime committed by a church person be deeply rooted in each of us. May the victims be gifted with strength, healing and -- in due time -- with the grace to forgive those who have harmed them.
Our Pauline Book & Media Center is at 885 Providence Hwy. (US Route 1 South) in Dedham, just a few minutes drive from this very picturesque area. Besides a generous array of religious books and media, and religious articles, the Center houses a Blessed Sacrament chapel. If you are ever in Dedham stop in, visit the Center and the Blessed Sacrament chapel--a real oasis on a hectic day.
Since May begins tomorrow, be sure you have a rosary and some Marian titles to enjoy during May, the traditional month of Mary, Queen of Heaven, and our Mother. The Pauline Book and Media Center can help you find a rosary for your needs, or for a gift for Mother's Day. Best regards and blessings for a beautiful and holy month of May!