Monday, October 19, 2009

Jesus Master

This week marks a feast day for members of the Pauline family. On Thursday, Oct. 22, the church celebrates the feast day of Blessed timothy Giaccardo. Blessed timothy was the right hand man of the founder of the Pauline Family, Blessed James Alberione.
the two were of vastly different personalities, yet both are acclaimed as holy men by the church, and especially by members of the Pauline communities around the world.
On Sunday, Oct. 25, the entire Pauline family will celebrate the Feast of Jesus the Divine Master. Bl. Timothy, the first priest to join the society of St. Paul, had a very special devotion to Jesus the Divine Teacher, or Master. He explained so well that Jesus is our Way to the Father, the Truth for our minds, the Life for our hearts.
As we in the northern hemisphere enjoy the colorful Fall foliage, nature invites us to meditate more on who Jesus is in our lives.

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