Tuesday, December 31, 2013

End of the Year and Happy New Year

For many years, a New Year’s Eve custom was the singing of the Te Deum a Latin hymn of praise and thanks to God for all the graces of the year which soon to leave us. We each can make our own Litany for all the graces of this past year: for our life, our health, for the opportunities to attend Mass and receive Holy Communion, for the graces of absolution in the sacrament of reconciliation. WE thank God for good friends, for supportive families, for beautiful scenes, for joyfilled entertainment, for good books and movies. I thank God too for the good I received from our friends and relatives who passed into eternal life this year. Two of my sisters, a brother-in-law, and our uncle died in 2013. Each of them left many good examples of generosity, and devotion to their families. We thank god too for negative events which purified us, strengthened us, and taught us--even if we did not "like" them. In the Church, we received a new Pope as we honor Pope Emeritus Benedict. The two Popes together published the encyclical, The Light of Faith. Now Pope Francis has gifted us with his own document: The Joy of the Gospel. It is ready to ship or to pick up at our Pauline books & Media Centers. Happy reading in 2014! 2014 also marks a special anniversary for the Pauline Family: 100 years of existence. The actual anniversary date is August 20. On that date in 1914 Reverend James Alberione gathered two young men into what was called the Typography School in Alba, northern Italy. The School soon became a seminary for the education of the members of the newly born Society of St. Paul. The Society’s aim was to use the press as a means of evangelization. As media blossomed, so the Pauline Society was to adapt each modern means of communication for the gospel message. Happy Anniversary to all Paulines! In the early years of the Pauline foundations, everything was lacking--except faith in God's loving providence. Money was scarce, bills piled up, deadlines loomed waiting to be met. It was then that Father Alberione (now blessed Alberione) together with his assistant, Father Timothy Giaccardo (composed a prayer of confidence in God. It reads more as a "contract" with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is called the Pact or Secret of Success. In my next blog I will provide The Pact.

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