Monday, May 26, 2014

After a Retreat

I am back to the Blog World. I was away on an 8 day retreat followed by days of updating. We in our congregation call those days Encounters. Since Sisters from our various convents throughout the USA and English speaking Canada join together, we really do encounter one another.
Our retreat was lead by an Australian priest of our Society of St. Paul. Three other SSP priests were retreatants, and two SSP brothers also attended the retreat. We were more than 40 participants. We Daughters of St. Paul were about 30 Sisters, and 10 or so Sisters of the Sister Disciples of the Divine Master joined us. It was also a "catholic" meeting, since the wide world was represented: We had a Korean priest and a Korean Sister, plus a Korean Sister from another community; two Filipino priests and a few Filipino Sisters; two Sisters from Western Samoa; a Sister from Brazil; another from Italy; and at least 4 Sisters from Mexico, and one from Venezuela. That's a rather long list, but we all felt as brothers and sisters of the same family.
The retreat focused on the life cycle of Jesus as told in Matthew's gospel; the life cycle of Blessed James Alberione's life; and our lives. The later segments of our life should reflect ongoing generativity. This includes taking care of the generation before us, as well as nurturing those younger than us. Father Mick Goonan led us very well, and supplied us with handouts, which always included an art piece reflecing each gospel segment. Since it is a late hour and I want to write clearly I will sign off for now and include some of the photos I took of the retreat house and the neighborhood.
The sun had just began to burn off the morning mist on Dudley Road. Have a blessed rest of the week! Please pray for the soul of a cousin who died of cancer last Saturday: Patrica Aurelio Kinnard. May she rest in peace Amen.Goodnight and God bless you! And, enjoy a blessed day wherever you are!

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