Sunday, March 28, 2010

Holy Week

Our Palm Sunday liturgy was very beautiful. We processed outside carrying palms and singing. During the Mass we read the Passion of Christ according to Luke. Read in three parts, I found that narrative very moving and so descriptive I could easily picture the scenes in my imagination.
Holy Week reminds us of Jesus' goodbye at the Last Supper, and the sadness he and his friends endured during his Passion. For me this is a time of saying goodbye too. I am experiencing some of the sadness that comes from taking leave of folks whom I may never see again on this earth. I want to express my gratitude to those who have helped me, yet I feel inadequate. I ask the Lord to thank them for me in ways only he can do.
I will be adjusting to a new room, a new work space and in some ways a new convent, even though I have lived in Boston many years. I look forward to seeing and greeting those Sisters and friends whom I have not seen for a few years. It is a sort of "dying and rising"--dying to an older way of life and starting a new one. May the Easter mystery of Jesus dying and rising for us, give you and me great hope and joy.
Best regards for a gentle and grace-filled Holy Week.

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