Thursday, May 27, 2010

Memorial Day

Americans have a day that opens the summer season with a holiday which marks the end of the lives of thousands who died serving our country. In the rural community where some of my family live, there is always a parade with flags, farm equipment, 4-H Club members, Veterans of Foreign Wars, servicemen and women and a band. For the folks in our small town, memory of our deceased loved ones is important. In the Church there is saying, "Life is changed, not taken away," when someone dies. One dies t this life as we know it, to awaken to the eternal life with God. When Jesus promised the Good Thief Paradise from the cross, he said, "This day you will be with me in Paradise." What a great promise!
As we enjoy our picnics on this holiday weekend, let us take some time to observe a memorial of those who have gone before us, especially those who died in our military service.
For books and religious music for your holiday time, visit

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